Moile Konyak, Rukukhoto Ltu win Miss and Mr. Josephite 2023 titles

Moile Konyak of team Dragon and Rukukhoto Ltu of team Centaur were adjudged as the winners of Mister Josephite 2023 during the weeklong cultural day celebration of St. Joseph Jakhama (Autonomous) on November 3 at the college indoor stadium.
Hiredila Sangtam of team Griffin was the runners-up of Mister Josephite 2023 while Zhozo Chizo of team Cyclops came as the runners-up in Mister Josephite 2023.
The cultural day saw events like Modern Dance and Acapella competitions besides the main event of Miss and Mister title Josephite contest.
It may be mentioned that ten teams: Centaur, Cyclops, Dragon, Goblin, Golem, Griffin Minotaur, Phoenix, Werewolf and Yeti are participating in various events like the indoor games, outdoor games and athletics. The college week started on November 30 with the opening ceremony organized by the SJC (A) Games and Sports Committee, hosted by N.K Kawidinliu, BBA 5th semester.
The ceremony commenced with the hoisting of the college flag by the distinguished guest, director of Youth Resource and Sports, Nagaland, Kethosituo Sekhose. Speaking at the event, the special guest Kethosituo Sekhose emphasized on the importance of such annual events, stating that, “organizing annual weeks with a multitude of sporting activities is a means to promote physical fitness and overall well-being.” He further shared insights into the Department of Youth Resources and Sports, highlighting their focus on young, energetic individuals who can contribute to the future of society.
Earlier, invocation was offered by Rev. Sr. Sunitha D. Souza RJM, welcome address by the principal, Dr. Fr. George Keduolhou Angami, a special number by Tinukumzuk from the department of Education 3rd semester.
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