15th Convergence Fest held at St Joseph’s Jakhama

DIMAPUR, SEPTEMBER 20 (MExN): The Department of Business Administration of St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Jakhama, hosted its 15th Convergence Fest on Friday under the theme "Unite, Innovate, Inspire." The event, which began at 9:30 a.m., brought together students from six colleges, two universities, and twelve departments of the host college in a day-long celebration of innovation and leadership.
The programme, held in the college's indoor stadium, was hosted by Imlikumzuk Jamir and Mitovile Magdeline. It commenced with a prayer of blessings by Sr. Dr. Theresiamma, Vice Principal of Academic Affairs. In his welcome address, Imtipong Longkumer, lecturer in charge of the Department of Business Administration, described the fest as a dynamic platform where young minds could showcase their talents, skills, and knowledge in business. He introduced the event’s guest speaker, Rupin Sharma, IPS, Director General of Police (DGP) Nagaland, who urged the students to pursue their passions rather than conform to societal expectations.
“If I hadn’t followed my passion and done what I love, I wouldn’t have made any impact in Nagaland,” Sharma stated, citing his journey. He emphasized the importance of seeking opportunities beyond the state, noting that Nagaland, though small, is complex and demands a passion-driven approach to meaningful contributions.
The fest has grown significantly since its inception in 2010, evolving from an intra-departmental gathering to a prominent inter-college event, said Lyaveio Alex Pao, Convenor of the 15th Convergence Fest. Rupin Sharma officially declared the fest open, kicking off a series of competitions including Mad Ads, Business Plan, Photography, Art, Business Quiz, Mock Interview, Panel Discussion, and Mr. and Miss Convergence.
Special performances by artists Moko Koza, LC Sekhose, Khriebu Meyase, Azi Rudy, and the Dance Club of St. Joseph’s College captivated the audience throughout the day.
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