



The College has a library with over 21,300 books. They include books from different departments, reference books and general books. Additions are made to the library every year. Students are to comply with the rules and regulations of the library. The library holds Encyclopaedias, Year Books, Dictionaries, Directories, Handbooks, Manuals, Geographical Resources, Journals both national and international, Bounded volumes of the journals and encourage reading for pleasure, self-discovery, personal growth and the sharpening of intellectual curiosity.

The library is in the process of digitalization and students will be enabled to have access to all these academic and general books that will keep them engaged. Annual budget is allocated for every department to purchase the needful books and each department is required to update and make it relevant with books on the latest and relevant topics.

Library Timings

Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm
Saturday 8:30am - 12:30am
  • Circulation Desk
    Reference Section
  • Reference Section
    Circulation Desk
  • Journals and Magazines Section
    E-Resources Section
  • E-Resources Section
    Journals and Magazines Section

Library Guidelines And Regulations

1. General Information: Library Sources

Magazine, Journal and Newspaper Section
These are to be read in the library reading room and not to be borrowed.
Reference Section
Reference books are to be referred in the library only and not to be borrowed.
Stack Section
Library users can borrow book(s) only from the stack section.
Library users can copy/download e-sources from the computers provided in the library.
Books 21,300
Journals available 61
Magazines 22
Newspapers Local-3, National-2
E-Resources N-List (National Library and Information Service for Scholarly Content), National Digital Library, Sage E-Journals

2. General Guidelines

  • All the students/teachers/scholars are required to submit their recent passport size photograph and apply for Library membership. Strict silence shall be maintained in the library at all times.
  • Conversation and discussion disturbs library ambience. Therefore, all are requested to maintain dignified silence. Smoking is not permitted in the Library.
  • All the students/teachers/scholars and outsiders entering the Library shall keep their bags and other personal belongings at the entrance/log shelf. Without library ID Card, no one shall request excuse/favour to enter the library.
  • Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library resources in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged the full replacement cost of the resource.
  • If a borrower damages the book(s) he/she shall purchase new book(s) or refund the price of the damage book(s) which includes the fine imposed.
  • A visitor or guest has no permission to visit or use the Library without prior permission from the Principal. Student/Scholar/Individual who wishes to use the library for reference (only) must produce valid college/university/designation identity card.
  • A visitor/non Josephite is not allowed to borrow book(s).
  • A visitor/non Josephite must sign the logbook with personal details and contact number.
  • Only notebooks and the Library books will be allowed while using library reference tables.
  • For all the staff and students of St. Joseph’s College, Library ID Card is compulsory to enter the library.
  • All the library users and readers are advised not to leave their valuables in the library.
  • The Librarian is not responsible for any loss of personal belongings.
  • All files, books and notebooks must be presented to the library staff for inspection while leaving the library. Library does not permit any exception in the observance of this rule.
  • Books borrowed should be protected from rain, dust, insect, etc.
  • Books removed from the shelves, if not required further, should be kept on the book trolley/table nearest to them. Do not try to shelve them yourself.
  • Newspapers, magazines, journals etc. should be properly kept back in the designated place.
  • Borrowers, faculty, staff who go on long leaves like deputation, study leave must return all borrowed materials before leaving the College.
  • All the students who want to return the books issued on their names are advised to wait until the books are shown as cancelled against their names.
  • Reference Documents like Dictionary, Encyclopaedia, Year Books, Journals (Loose & Bound), Theses, Project Reports, Census, Handbooks will not be issued out.
  • Borrower must make recover the loss by replacing library material with same or latest edition. In case of non-availability of material, then the actual cost of the book/material will be recovered from the borrower.
  • All users of library are requested to keep their mobiles in silent mode. One must move out of the library to attend mobile calls.
  • Beverages and eatables are strictly prohibited inside the library.
  • No photograph of the library books shall be taken without the prior permission of the Librarian.
  • The Librarian reserves the right to call back any issued book/item at any time.
  • The Librarian reserves the right to check the lockers, whenever necessary.
  • Every borrower of book(s) from the library should know that just as he/she needs the book(s), so too other colleagues and friends.
  • To borrow book(s), the borrower shall use only the slips provided in the library.
  • If a borrower loses borrowing card, it must be reported to the librarian and a duplicate may be issued on payment of fine.
  • The Librarian shall notify to the borrower of book(s) the expiry date to return the book(s).
  • The official email for the library is
  • All communications with the librarian shall be through the email provided

3. Staff (teaching and non teaching)

  • A staff is permitted to borrow five (5) books at a time for a period of thirty (30) days. Teaching staff of full time M.Phil/Ph.D and integrated programme research scholars are allowed to borrow 10 books for a period of thirty (30) days.
  • In case a staff wishes to borrow more books at a time, he/she may be allowed to borrow ten (10) books at a time. However, the period for borrowing ten (10) books shall be twenty-five (25) days only.
  • If extension of time is required then the staff must apply for renewal of the books borrowed which shall not exceed fifteen (15) days. After fifteen (15) days from renewal date, it is mandatory to return the borrowed books to the library.
  • At the expiry of fifteen (15) days of renewal, if a staff fails to return the books then fine shall be imposed on the borrower. A fine of Rs. 2 will be imposed for every day from the date of expiry until the books are returned. After a period of fifteen (15) days of extended date, if the borrower fails to return the books, the fine shall be doubled, that is Rs. 4 per book.
  • The borrower can take new book(s) or renew the books only after payment of imposed fine.
  • If a staff loses the book(s), does not return the book(s) or does not comply with the imposed fine, then the fine and cost of the book(s) shall be recovered from the source of salary.
  • A staff who resigns, completes term of contract or is asked to discontinue service shall return all the borrowed books from the library and department book depot before leaving the College failing which he/she shall recover the cost of the book(s).

4. Students

  • A staff is permitted to borrow five (5) books at a time for a period of thirty (30) days. Teaching staff of full time M.Phil/Ph.D and integrated programme research scholars are allowed to borrow 10 books for a period of thirty (30) days.
  • In case a staff wishes to borrow more books at a time, he/she may be allowed to borrow ten (10) books at a time. However, the period for borrowing ten (10) books shall be twenty-five (25) days only.
  • If extension of time is required then the staff must apply for renewal of the books borrowed which shall not exceed fifteen (15) days. After fifteen (15) days from renewal date, it is mandatory to return the borrowed books to the library.
  • At the expiry of fifteen (15) days of renewal, if a staff fails to return the books then fine shall be imposed on the borrower. A fine of Rs. 2 will be imposed for every day from the date of expiry until the books are returned. After a period of fifteen (15) days of extended date, if the borrower fails to return the books, the fine shall be doubled, that is Rs. 4 per book.
  • The borrower can take new book(s) or renew the books only after payment of imposed fine.
  • If a staff loses the book(s), does not return the book(s) or does not comply with the imposed fine, then the fine and cost of the book(s) shall be recovered from the source of salary.
  • A staff who resigns, completes term of contract or is asked to discontinue service shall return all the borrowed books from the library and department book depot before leaving the College failing which he/she shall recover the cost of the book(s).