



Documents under NAAC

Title Date Description Action
3.1.3 Copies of Award Letters of the Teachers who received National or International Fellowship or Financial support 2024-05-09 NA Download
3.1.2 Sanction letters of award of Seed money_applications and undertaking 2024-05-09 NA Download
3.1.2 Sanction letters of award of Seed money and Statement of Utilisation of Fund 2024-05-09 NA Download
3.1.2 List of faculty who have been awarded seed money 2024-05-09 NA Download
3.1.2 Audited Statement and Statement of SEED Money Provision 2024-05-09 NA Download
7. 1.10 POLICY DOCUMENT ON CODE OF ETHICS 2024-05-08 NA Download
7.1.10 Policy document on COde of conduct 2024-05-08 NA Download
7.1.10 Notification and geo tagged photo of the Activities organised for orientation for the Code of conduct for staff and students 2024-05-08 NA Download
7.1.10 Handbooks, manuals and brochures on human values and professional ethics for the year 2022-23. 2024-05-08 NA Download
7.1.10 Proceedings of the monitoring committee (2) 2024-05-08 NA Download