Workshop Report on “Research Methodology in Social Science Research for Beginners”

Workshop Report on “Research Methodology in Social Science Research for Beginners”
A workshop on “Research Methodology in Social Science Research for Beginners” was conducted at St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Jakhama, Nagaland organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in collaboration with the Department of Sociology & Department of Economics, Postgraduate Studies, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research North Eastern Regional Centre (ICSSR-NERC) from 28th January to 1st February 2024. Various important topics on research methodology were taken up by five experts.
Prof. Khem Chand Kapoor, Professor Emeritus, Department of Education, Assam Don Bosco University was the keynote speaker at the inaugural session, who emphasized on the importance of research in higher education. With his expertise, he focused on quantitative research with special reference to formulation, functions and types of hypothesis, data collection, calculation of sample size, types of sampling and factors affecting inferences drawn from sampling.
Dr. Dominic Meyieho, the Controller of Examination of the college emphasized on the philosophical foundation of research, review of literature and referencing styles. Dr. Aosunep, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, accentuated on steps in formulating research problem, research questions and objectives, methods of data collection in qualitative research and sampling. Dr. Aten Jamir, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, stressed on qualitative research such as case study, oral history, focus group discussion and participation observation, grounded theory, phenomenology, ethnography and ethno-methodology. Validity and reliability of research and practical classes on calculation of sample size, data entry using SPSS was the main focused point of Miss Vika Y. Yepthomi, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics.
The workshop ended with a valedictory session on 1st February 2024 with the Deputy Director of Higher Education, Govt. of Nagaland Dr. Nokhwen as the guest speaker.
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